scripted text that says our story
Outside of Just What I Kneaded

Our bakery began inside a small bungalow in Highland Park, Los Angeles CA.

Justine, our founder and creator, started experimenting from her home kitchen and then selling her baked goods to small cafes in town. Word got around fast and she soon outgrew her studio kitchen. By chance and luck, an old friend hatched a plan to share an industrial space in Elysian Valley with her. The warehouse was an old machine shop that kneaded a complete transformation. Two years later Just What I Kneaded was built! Weeks before opening day, Covid-19 hit. Although not an ideal time to start a new business, JWIK became a family affair serving hot coffee, cinnamon rolls, and slices of pie. We celebrated our 3rd birthday in July 2023 and we are not only still standing, but thriving!

Our team has grown exponentially and so has our menu. We now offer full breakfast, a pastry case filled to the gills, espresso, lunch, wine and more! Our intention has always been to be a welcoming place for our community to gather, rest, and recharge. We are also proud to employ some of the most talented chefs, bakers and baristas. Our commitment to being a 100% vegan business is rooted in our dedication to tackle climate change, support animal rights, and live a more harmonious life with our planet. Just What I Kneaded is constantly growing and evolving like the ebbs and flows of the tides.

Hey, I’m JustinE

Justine Hernandez is the founder and creator of Just What I Kneaded. Her story begins with her love of baking alongside her grandmother when she was nearly too young to handle a knife. Baking was always a part of Justine's life, as a way of showing love to her friends and family.

What once was a hobby turned into a job after securing her first baking position at Sawyer in Silverlake. With little experience, she spent early mornings practicing her "house dough," and perfecting her recipe and technique for galettes. Things changed in 2018 when the country seemed to collectively shift away from environmental protections. Fueled by outrage and hopelessness Justine vowed to bake vegan from there on out. She promptly quit her position at Sawyer and began her journey of experimentation. Going back to her old career of bartending, she would tend bar, bake, deliver, sleep, then repeat. This went on for years while she tirelessly tested her recipes. Thanks to a few local cafes like Little Ripper and Kindness and Mischief, Justine was able to get her start selling new creations to her local community. Things moved quickly and she soon outgrew her home kitchen. With the help of an old-friend-turned-business partner she embarked on renovating an old machine shop in Frogtown, CA. It took many years to get everything up to code, but eventually it was ready for the public. Unfortunately Covid-19 hit, which changed everything. Although challenging she was able to get through it with the help of family, friends and the amazing local community. Now Justine oversees operations of and has expanded to a wine bar behind the bakery. The passion and commitment to vegan baking lives on and she looks forward to more projects to come!